To plant a row of 25 gallon Ficus Nitida hedges near a wall, clear the space and soak the area with water the day before to soften the soil making it easier to dig. Place the plants about 3 feet apart in a row, and about a foot and a half (1.5') away from the wall to avoid ...
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The Improved Meyer Lemon tree produces think-skinned fruits with flesh that is sweet, juicy, and delicious" Believed to be the cross between a citron and a mandarin, the Improved Meyer Lemon takes the best of both worlds to produce a rich floral flavor, and sweeter fruit th...
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There are often two types of limes people think of, the common lime and the Key Lime. The most commonly sold lime in mar...
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Dwarf Meyers Lemon trees are perfect for pots because they are short and continually produce fruit. They make a great addition to any patio or porch and the fruit is easily accessible. Heavy, dependable fruit production year after year is one of the biggest reasons for this tr...
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If you have figs in your knapsack, everyone will want to be your friend. Read more

Unveiling the Secrets of Growing Persimmon Trees When it comes to fruit trees, persimmon trees are considered a hidden gem that can be embraced by gardeners. Known for their stunning foliage and delicious fruit, they have the potential to...
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Lemons are a staple in many dishes and drinks. Use them for your cocktails or summer lemonade, your salad dressings, to prepare meat dishes, enhance vegetables’ flavors, zest, or make tea with their leaves. Make use of your...
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Italian Cypress, scientifically known as Cupressus sempervirens, is a majestic evergreen tree that has adorned landscapes for centuries. With its slender form, rich green foliage, and unparalleled elegance, the Italian Cypress stands as a symbol of timeless beauty and sophi...
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Jujube trees, also known as Chinese dates, are a delightful addition to any garden or landscape. These small to medium-sized trees are native to China but have gained popularity worldwide due to their attractive appearance and delicious fruit...
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Dried figs are a sweet treat by themselves, but dip them in chocolate and sprinkle them with sea salt and you have a mouth-watering gift you won’t want to put down. Buy your own...
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