flavor king pluot
Flavor King Pluot Tree from $95.00
Flavor King Pluot trees for sale Buy our Flavor King Pluot trees for sale and grow this is a hybrid fruit tree that produces a cross between plums and apricots. Pluots are known for their delicious and sweet flavor, and vibrant reddish-orange color making them a popular choice among fruit enthusiasts. Fruit Description This variety is particularly prized for its exceptional taste. Often described as having a rich, complex flavor profile with a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit is typically larger than a standard plum. The fruit has smooth skin with colors ranging from deep purple to dark red. Flavor King Pluot History The history of the Flavor King Pluot dates back to the late 20th century when renowned fruit breeder Floyd Zaiger introduced this remarkable hybrid fruit. Floyd Zaiger, the founder of Zaiger's Genetics, is a prominent figure in the world of fruit breeding and is credited with creating numerous successful fruit hybrids. The story of the Flavor King Pluot began with Zaiger's ambition to create a fruit that combined the best characteristics of plums and apricots. He conducted extensive crossbreeding experiments, carefully selecting parent trees with desirable traits like exceptional taste, size, and color. The Flavor King Pluot is the result of multiple generations of selective breeding, backcrossing, and natural selection. The initial cross was between a plum (Prunus salicina) and an apricot (Prunus armeniaca), resulting in a hybrid known as a plumcot. This hybrid was then crossed back with a plum parent to create what is now known as the pluot. The breakthrough came when Floyd Zaiger successfully developed the Flavor King Pluot, which quickly gained popularity for its outstanding taste and unique flavor profile. It quickly became one of the most sought-after varieties among fruit enthusiasts, garnering attention for its delectable sweetness, rich flavor, and juicy flesh. Over time, the Flavor King Pluot has become a staple in many orchards and gardens around the world, loved for its excellent culinary qualities and striking appearance. The success of the Flavor King Pluot has led to the development of various other pluot varieties, each with its own distinct flavor and characteristics. Today, the Flavor King Pluot remains a celebrated fruit, admired not only for its taste but also for its versatility in various culinary applications. Its history is a testament to the dedication and ingenuity of fruit breeders like Floyd Zaiger, who continue to shape the world of horticulture with their innovative creations. As we enjoy the delightful Flavor King Pluot, we also celebrate the legacy of those who devoted their efforts to bring this exceptional fruit to fruition.
Flavor Queen Pluot Flavor queen pluot cut open
Flavor Queen Pluot Tree from $95.00
Flavor Queen Pluot Tree Information and Care The Flavor Queen Pluot tree produces/bears medium to large hybrid plum-shaped fruit with green skin and yellowish-green color flesh. The fruit is sweet, juicy, and delicious. Enjoy Spring white blossoms and Summer fruits. Originally from China, it made its way to the US via Japan. Debuting in 1899. Pluots are a hybrid of plum and apricot, requiring a pollinator. Use a low-chill Japanese Plum to pollinate the tree to produce fruit. Otherwise, the tree just flowers. Flavor Queen Pluot trees can grow large, and over 20 feet tall, but with adequate trimming most people in home orchards keep their trees about 8 - 15 feet tall and wide. The Flavor Queen Pluot tree is a woody deciduous fruit tree. Therefore, it loses leaves to go dormant in the Winter. The Spring time brings a flush of beautiful white flowers followed by Summer fruit. Pat. No. 7420. (Zaiger)  
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Ripe Katy apricots on a Katy apricot tree
Katy Apricot Tree from $150.00
Katy Apricot Tree For Sale Looking to add a delightful and fruitful addition to your garden? Look no further than the Katy apricot tree. This exceptional fruit tree is not only self-fertile but also produces delicious apricots that will leave your taste buds craving for more. Our online store offers the Katy apricot tree for sale, making it easy for you to bring this wonderful tree into your landscape. Katy Apricot Tree Description The Katy apricot tree is a small to medium-sized tree with a spreading canopy. It reaches a mature height of around 12 to 15 feet (3.6 to 4.5 meters), making it suitable for gardens of various sizes. With its stunning white flowers blooming in spring, it adds beauty to your outdoor space. What sets the Katy apricot tree apart is its ability to self-pollinate. While having another apricot variety nearby can enhance fruit production, the Katy apricot tree is capable of producing fruit on its own. This makes it a convenient choice for those with limited garden space or who prefer to have just one apricot tree. Katy Apricot Fruits The apricots produced by the Katy tree are a treat for your taste buds. These medium-sized fruits have smooth, orange-yellow skin and offer a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. So enjoy them fresh off the tree. Alternatively, add them to salads, use them for canning or baking, or even dry them for long-lasting enjoyment. Caring for the Katy apricot tree is relatively straightforward. It thrives in full sun exposure and prefers well-drained soil. Adequate watering, especially during dry periods, is crucial for optimal growth and fruit production. Therefore, Prune the tree in late winter or early spring to help maintain its shape and promotes healthy growth. When the time comes for harvest, usually in early to mid-summer, you'll be rewarded with a bountiful supply of delicious apricots. The fruit is ready to be picked when it develops a deep orange color and has a slight give when gently squeezed. Handle the fruit with care to prevent any damage. At our online store, we offer the Katy apricot tree for sale. This ensures that you can easily obtain this remarkable tree for your garden. Simply place your order, and we'll deliver a healthy and well-rooted Katy apricot tree to your doorstep. Then, start enjoying the abundance of homegrown, self-fertile apricots by adding the Katy apricot tree to your cart today.
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Blenheim royal apricot fruits from tree for sale
Royal Blenheim Apricot Tree from $150.00
Royal Blenheim Apricot Tree For Sale The Royal Blenheim apricot tree is a deciduous fruit tree that typically grows to a height of 15 to 20 feet (4.5 to 6 meters). It has a spreading growth habit with a rounded crown. The leaves are green and ovate in shape. The fruit is renowned for its deliciously sweet and flavorful fruit. The apricots are medium-sized with golden-orange skin and a slightly blush or reddish tint. They have firm, juicy flesh that is aromatic and bursting with flavor. The Blenheim apricot has a rich history that dates back several centuries. Its origins can be traced to the ancient region of Armenia, where apricots have been cultivated for thousands of years. Apricots were highly valued for their sweet flavor and nutritional benefits, and they were introduced to different parts of the world through trade routes and migrations. Harvesting: Blenheim apricots are usually ready for harvest in midsummer, around June or July, depending on the climate. Pick fruits in Summer. Enjoy fresh, dry, or use to bake and cook. Growing conditions: Blenheim apricot trees thrive in regions with a Mediterranean climate, warm, dry summers, and mild winters. They require full sun exposure to produce abundant fruit. The trees prefer well-drained soil but can tolerate a range of soil types. Pollination: Most apricot trees, including the Blenheim variety, are self-fruitful, which means they can produce fruit with their own pollen. However, cross-pollinate from another apricot tree to improve fruit set and yield. Planting another apricot variety nearby or providing pollinators like bees can increase the chances of successful pollination. Pruning and Maintenance: Prune regularly to maintain the health and shape of the Blenheim apricot tree. Prune during the dormant season (late winter or early spring) to remove dead, diseased, or crossing branches and to promote better air circulation and sunlight penetration. Thinning the fruit on the tree can also improve the size and quality of the remaining apricots. Pests and diseases: Blenheim apricot trees are susceptible to various pests and diseases. They include aphids, scale insects, peach twig borers, brown rot, and bacterial canker. Proper monitoring, using organic pest control methods, and maintaining good tree hygiene can help prevent or manage these issues. Remember to check with local nurseries or agricultural extension services for specific guidance on growing apricot trees in your area, as climate and conditions can vary.
Royal Rosa Apricot
Royal Rosa Apricot Tree from $150.00
The Royal Rosa Apricot Tree for Sale Buy a beautiful and productive Royal Rosa Apricot tree for sale on our online store or in person at our nursery. It offers both aesthetic appeal and delicious harvests. This apricot variety is known for its stunning white blossoms that emerge in early spring, creating a visually captivating display in your garden. As the blossoms fade, they give way to medium-sized apricots with vibrant orange skin and juicy, flavorful flesh. Royal Rosa Apricot Tree Description Royal Rosa Apricot trees are a self-pollinating variety. This means it does not require another apricot tree for cross-pollination. This makes it an ideal choice for smaller gardens or those with limited space. The tree itself is medium-sized, reaching a height of about 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 meters). This makes them suitable for both backyard orchards and container gardening. Ripe Royal Rosa Apricots Ready For Harvest Harvest Royal Rosa Apricot from your tree in mid to late summer. Pick Apricots when they develop a deep orange color. To check, squeeze, and feel for a slight give. The fruits have excellent flavor because they are sweet and tart in a delightful combination. To ensure optimal growth and fruit production, the tree thrives in full sun exposure and well-drained soil. Provide regular water in the Spring through Fall. 1-2 times per week when the weather is cool. Remember, you must increase the frequency of water in warm Summer weather. To maintain its shape, prune the tree in late winter or early spring. Remove any dead or diseased branches to promote better airflow and make space for new growth. The fruits are a true culinary delight. So, enjoy apricots fresh off the tree, bake with apricots, make a preserve, or even dry them for longer shelf life. Therefore, their versatile flavor makes them a fantastic addition to a variety of recipes and culinary creations. Buy a tree today to bring the beauty and taste of the Royal Rosa to your garden and enjoy the bountiful harvests it provides. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast or simply appreciate the joy of homegrown fruit, this apricot tree is sure to satisfy both your visual and culinary senses.

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